Recipes for Children and Teens with Diabetes

Edited by:
Terri McGee, MS, RD, CDE

Fabulous Foods Cookbook and RecipesThis book was designed to help increase your options for meal and snack choices when following a meal plan for diabetes. Children and teens often complain that following a meal plan for diabetes means giving up foods that have taste or that taste good. That should not be so!

The recipes collected for this book may introduce new tastes and create new favorites for you and your family. Both the exchange servings and carbohydrate grams are listed for each recipe to help you whether you use an Exchange List pattern or count carbohydrates. The servings or numbers should be compared with the ones on your meal plan so you can decide how much of the food to include in your meal or snack.

It is important to follow healthy eating habits when choosing foods for your meals or snacks. Fewer fats and sweets and more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain products will provide better food choices for you. Meat choices should be lean. Limit frying foods with added fats. Also, be sure to include low fat dairy products or foods fortified with calcium each day for strong bones especially while you are growing.

We hope you enjoy these recipes and that they help provide healthy and happy meal times for you and your family!

The recipes in this book were adapted from a variety of sources including, Diabetes in the News, Diabetes Forecast, Joy of Snacks, The Family Cookbook, Living Well With Diabetes, Weight Watchers and McCall’s.

This book was printed with a grant from Bayer Corporation, Diagnostics Division. Many thanks to Bayer for their support.