Financial Services

UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh takes a flexible, individualized approach to caring for patients and assisting doctors and embassies. We use this same approach with our payment structure. Our competitive costs are determined on a case-by-case basis and depend on the types of services a patient receives.

To keep it simple for doctors, patients, and embassies, Children's Hospital bundles the cost into one single price that incorporates the charges for all stages and types of care a patient has received, including follow-up.

We provide physicians or foreign embassies with a single invoice, which minimizes recordkeeping and billing work. This is particularly helpful when a patient receives care over an extended period of time.

We also offer competitive pricing for telemedicine services to doctors and hospitals on a per-case basis or annual fee basis. Doctors can access the expertise of Children's Hospital specialists at our U.S. and international facilities with:

Competitive and bundle payment solutions and single invoicing: It's all part of Children's efforts to streamline the experience, centering efforts on fostering accountable patient care that is consistent, convenient, and effective.

Patient Finance Coordinator

Our Patient Finance Coordinator will help you manage the financial aspects of your care. Our goal is to provide a clear, simple financial plan for our services. Our Financial Coordinator will help you understand and navigate our billing and payment system.

This person will also assist you when dealing with your:

  • Sponsoring organization
  • Insurance company
  • Government or embassy office
  • Military office