
What to Expect on Your Visit (PDF)

Legal Education and Support

Child Custody Generations Program through Allegheny County Courts

The program includes education for:

  • Adults
  • Groups for children ages 6 to 15
  • Mediation orientation session

The mediation session helps parents to create a Memorandum of Understanding, or a legal document that describes the co-parenting plan including such topics as:

  • Custody
  • Visitation
  • Child support
  • Education
  • Health insurance
  • Participation in the full program requires filing of a complaint for custody.

    Individuals can enroll in just the education classes voluntarily. Classes cost $40.

    Neighborhood Legal Services Association in Allegheny County

    The Neighborhood Legal Services Association in Allegheny County provides free legal representation to eligible clients in Allegheny County.

    Healthcare Support

    The American Academy of Pediatrics

    • The time of initial separation is often hardest for children.
    • Children should never be put in the middle of separating caregivers. Caregivers should not speak negatively about other caregivers and should not ask children to provide information about other caregivers.
    • Children’s routines should remain as similar as possible with regards to school, extracurricular activities, and time with family and friends.
    • Children should be permitted to share their feelings, understand that they are not at fault for the separation, and should be provided access to their own therapies to process events.

    Read the complete "Helping Children and Families Deal With Divorce and Separation" article from The American Academy of Pediatrics.