Poisoning First Aid Tips

  1. Call the Pittsburgh Poison Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh at 1-800-222-1222.
  2. Do not give anything to eat or drink – including syrup of ipecac – unless directed by the Pittsburgh Poison Center.
  3. If vomiting occurs, do not discard.

For information about preventing accidental poisonings, visit the Pittsburgh Poison Center at Children’s Hospital.

Poison Prevention

It’s never too early to move toxic and poisonous substances out of a child’s reach. Get an early start on protecting your child from accidental poisoning.

  • Install carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home.
  • Move medications, cleaning products, bug killers, fertilizers and fuels to a high shelf or cupboard or to a sealed-off area, such as an attic, basement or utility shed. Store dangerous substances in only a few places.
  • Install locks on drawers, cabinets and doors.
  • Order Mr. Yuk stickers and other poison prevention materials.
  • Post the phone number of the Pittsburgh Poison Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1-800-222-1222, on or near your phone.

Additional Resources

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