Center for Independence

Child at the Center for Independence crawling through a tunnel.The Center for Independence provides interdisciplinary, group-based services for children and teenagers with behavioral, communication, cognitive, and/or physical challenges through activities that promote achievement and independence.

The center’s goals are to provide meaningful services that improve the health and development of children, especially those at risk of falling behind on key early developmental milestones.

Children are grouped according to their needs, and each program follows a curriculum that is designed to address their varying strengths and weaknesses. Programs focus on:

  • Cooperation
  • Communication
  • Cognitive skills development (the child’s thinking abilities)
  • Fine and gross motor skills development. Fine motor skills use the small muscles of the body. Gross motor skills use the large muscles of the body.

Read about the center’s programs.

Schedule an Appointment

For more information to schedule, please contact us at the location closest to you.