What are the different levels of asthma? These guidelines were established by the National Institutes of Health so that physicians can determine the extent of your child’s asthma.
Step 1 – mild intermittent asthma
- Symptoms fewer than two times a week
- Does not have problems between flare-ups
- Only has short flare-ups from a few hours to a few days
- Experiences nighttime symptoms fewer than twice a month
Step 2 – mild persistent asthma
- Symptoms more than two times a week, but no more than once a day
- His or her activity levels may be affected by the flare-ups
- Experiences nighttime symptoms more than twice a month
Step 3 – moderate persistent asthma
- Symptoms every day
- Uses his or her rescue medication every day
- Has flare-ups twice a week or more
- His or her activity levels may be affected by the flare-ups
- Experiences nighttime symptoms more than once a week
Step 4 – severe persistent asthma
- Constant symptoms
- Has a decrease in physical activity
- Has frequent flare-ups
- Experiences nighttime symptoms frequently