Awareness and Treatment

  • Asthma can be kept under control. Parents can work with their health care provider to manage their child’s asthma.
  • Asthma is a chronic disease, meaning it lasts for a long time or recurs frequently. If a child’s asthma symptoms cause breathing problems during exercise or normal activities, this is called persistent asthma. If symptoms are persistent, your child likely needs adjustment in his or her treatment plan.
  • Recognize your child’s asthma triggers, and try to remove those triggers from his or her environment.
  • Watch for early signs of asthma flare-ups, such as wheezing or gasping.
  • There are two types of asthma medicines: controller and quick-relief. Be sure you know how to use your child's medicines and asthma devices.
  • Children with persistent asthma should use a controller medicine every day. This will control the inflammation in their lungs. Inflammation causes swelling, mucous production and narrowing of the airway.
  • Here are three signs that your child’s asthma is not under control:
    1. Your child uses a quick-relief medicine (like an albuterol puffer) more than twice a week.
    2. He or she wakes up at night with asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing or chest tightness more than twice a month.
    3. You refill your child’s quick-relief medicine more than twice a year.
  • Children with persistent asthma should see a primary care physician or asthma specialist at least three times a year.