Even if my child''s JRA is under control, can he/she still have breakthrough pain in his/her joints?
If the arthritis is under good control, we should not expect too much joint pain. There might be other causes for the pain that we need to look into.
Will the JRA ever go away completely?
For children with few joints involved, we think about 50 percent of the time the arthritis can go into remission. For children with many joints involved, that number falls to 25 percent. If the rheumatoid factor blood test is positive, then often the arthritis persists.
Can patients be active in sports such as soccer or gymnastics that are harsh on the joints?
We try to avoid putting any limitations on the kids. If their arthritis is under good control, then they can do anything. If they are having joint pain and swelling, than it is probably a good idea to stick with non-weight-bearing activities (swimming, biking) until the arthritis is better controlled.
When a child seen by Rheumatology has a fever, at what fever or body temperature do we call the office?
Any temperature of 101 or higher should be evaluated by the primary doctor. We also like to receive updates on the status of your child.
Are all vaccines safe for the Rheumatology patient? Which are not?
If a patient is taking medicine that lowers the immune system, than we would like him or her to avoid "live" vaccines. These would include varicella (chickenpox) and MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella).
Should children with JDM or other like conditions get the pneumonia shot?
Not mandatory.
Should children with JDM or other like conditions get the H1N1 shot?
We recommend that any child taking medications for a lowered immune system should get both seasonal flu vaccine and H1N1 vaccine.
Should children with JDM or other like conditions get the seasonal flu shot?
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