What is late effect?
A late effect is a chronic or late-coming medical condition that persists or develops months or years after a cancer diagnosis or its treatment.
How likely am I to develop a late effect?
Every patient's risk is different and depends on his or her treatment and other factors. About two-thirds of survivors develop a late effect that may range from mild to severe. About 25% of survivors experience a "serious" late effect.
Am I too old to come to Children's Hospital?
We see patients of any age for an initial consult. If you are over 21 and more than 10 years after treatment, we will work with you to transition your care to an adult health care provider.
What if I don't have insurance?
Ongoing health care is essential for all individuals. If you lack health insurance, our staff can provide guidance to pursue resources that will allow you to receive the care you need.
Will I still see my primary oncologist?
We try our best to make sure you are able to see your primary doctor if he or she is on site. This isn't always possible at every visit.