What is SurvivorConnectTM?
SurvivorConnectTM is a program, supported through philanthropy. Started by a grant from the Hyundai Hope On Wheels Foundation in 2011, it has continued through the generous support of the Mario Lemieux Foundation. We are grateful to these organizations and our other donors who support us and help to raise awareness about childhood cancer survivorship.
SurvivorConnectTM enables us to "connect" survivors with the Survivorship Clinic team. SurvivorConnectTM uses web technology, email, social media, and written communication to improve and make more accessible critical resource material and follow up information to young adult survivors of pedicatric cancer.
Learn more!
Virtual Survivor Wall
If you are a Survivor and wish to submit something to put on this page, please email us at Survivorconnect@chp.edu. We would love to hear from you!
is published quarterly to provide survivors and their families with useful news and information about late effects of cancer treatment, wellness initiatives, scholarship information specific to cancer patients, and more!
Spring 2018
Summer 2017
Winter 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2015
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Summer 2014
Spring 2014
Fall 2013
Summer 2013
Spring 2013