Epilepsy Center

The Epilepsy Center at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh’s Brain Care Institute is a nationally recognized joint effort of Children’s Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh Epilepsy Center. Our center is accredited by the NAEC as a level 4 epilepsy center. Level 4 epilepsy centers have the professional expertise and facilities to provide the highest level medical and surgical evaluation and treatment for patients with complex epilepsy.

Children’s Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, or EMU, is one of the most technologically advanced facilities of its kind in the nation. Each of the eight private rooms in the EMU is fully equipped with state-of-the-art EEG equipment, video monitors, and intercoms to ensure instant communication with the EMU technicians and nurses.

In November 2019, The Laboratory Accreditation Board of ABRET granted the EEG Laboratory at UPMC Children's a five-year accreditation. This award is based on an evaluation of the technical quality of the EEGs performed in the lab and on a review of specific policies from UPMC Children's Policy and Procedure Manual. Visit www.abret.org to see the comprehensive list of accredited labs.

NAEC Level 4 Epilepsy Center

Our Multidisciplinary Team

A multidisciplinary team of medical professionals provide high-quality care for children with all types of seizures and seizure disorders, and can include specialists from: 

The Epilepsy Center is the only center in the region that provides comprehensive evaluation and surgical treatment options for children with hard-to-manage, or intractable, epilepsy.

Clinical Studies and Research

As a nationally recognized research center, UPMC Children’s Hospital’s Brain Care Institute participates in the latest clinical studies, which involve human volunteers and are intended to add to our medical understanding.

Contact the Epilepsy Center

For inquiries to or interest in the Epilepsy Center or to make a referral, schedule an appointment, or request an evaluation for a child or teen, contact us at 412-692-6928.

Learn more about Epilepsy Surgery Program Patient Stories and the Epilepsy Foundation of Western/Central PA.