Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure with MVP™ Plug: A Retrospective Review

Retrospective Review of PDA Closure with Medtronic MVP™ Micro Vascular Plug in Patients Weighing Less Than Two Kilograms

Protocol Description

This multi-center retrospective review studies outcomes of infants who weighed less than 2 kilograms (about 4.4 pounds) when their patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) condition was treated with a Medtronic MVP™ micro vascular plug. PDA is a condition that occurs when a hole in the aorta that allows blood to bypass circulation to the lungs does not close normally during fetal development. The study will review safety, efficacy, complications, and outcomes 6 months after the catheterization procedure.

Eligibility Criteria

Patients who underwent PDA closure with the MVP Microvascular Plug between Jan. 1, 2012, and Oct. 30, 2020, will be included in the study.
Males and Females: Newborns


There are no requirements for participants. Clinical data is extracted from the medical record for review and analysis.
Visits: None required
Duration: Not applicable

Status: Enrolls from Current Patient Cases

Source(s) of Support

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Primary Investigator

Sara Trucco, MD

Contact Information

For more information about the study, please contact:
Cullen Wenzler, Clinical Research Coordinator