Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation (SPLIT)

Protocol Description

All children waiting for transplantation or recovering after transplantation are asked to participate in Studies of Pediatric LIver Transplantation (SPLIT), a multi-center prospective study to collect scientific data on pediatric liver transplantation. Although no research intervention is conducted, participation allows important information about participants' liver disease, transplant operation and results to be collected in a national database that is the first to prospectively collect information about the practices and outcomes of pediatric liver transplantation in the United States and Canada. Collecting this data into one nationwide registry is expected to improve medical care of children who need and who have received liver transplants.

Eligibility Criteria

Patients of both genders, under age 18, who are being evaluated for liver transplantation, waiting for transplantation or recovering after transplantation are eligible.
Females: Under age 18
Males: Under age 18


Medical information, including test results routinely obtained on children waiting for liver transplants and children who have received liver transplants, will be provided to SPLIT.

Status: Open for Enrollment

Primary Investigator

George Mazariegos, MD

Contact Information

For more information, please contact:
Katie Hindes Kalata, BS, MPH
Kym Smith, BS